Internoise, Praha 2004

Na rautu

International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Lisboa 2005

Prof Malcolm Crocker

International Carpathian Control Conference, Rožnov, 2006

Ostrava, Krakov a Košice

Vídeň 2006

S Horstem

IMEKO, Rio de Janeiro 2006

S Petrem z Brna

Second World Congress on Engineering Asset Management and Fourth International Conference on Condition Monitoring 2007, Harrogate, UK

Slavonic participants

Stephan and me

SIRM 2011, Darmstadt


Fadi & Colleagues

International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius 2012



Také kolega

Visit colleagues from the BTU in Ostrava

Příbor square

TATRA Museum

Stramberk still-room


S Jaromírem u Kassandry

Ludvíkova habilitace

Tatrovak a byvali tatrovaci

Stramberk, the town where I was born and where I live

Old town with the Truba tower

Bílá hora hill

Old tower