RNN Project Information 🠔

General Information

✅ Mandatory part of every project is a summary at the end in which you summarize the most interesting insight obtained.

Upload a 📝 Jupyter Notebook with descriptions included or a PDF report + source codes.

💡 Estimated time for the project is 5-10h, this value heavily depends on your skill, but you can use it as a guidance for a project size.

🎯 Deadline is 26. 5. 2024 🍀

Upload the project to:

Example datasets

1 - Sentiment140 dataset with 1.6 million tweets


You can select smaller subset of the dataset as it contains pretty high number of tweets.

2 - News Category Dataset


3 - Coronavirus tweets NLP - Text Classification


4 - Trip Advisor Hotel Reviews


Dataset of individual selection

It is highly welcomed if you use a dataset of your individual choice. In this case just drop me an e-mail so I can approve your choice or give some recommendations.

You can find plenty of datasets on Kaggle

If you work with RNN in your semestral project, it is possible to use it instead of this project, even if is not a classification task. Just drop me an e-mail and we will discuss it individually.