
Chief or co-chief investigator
2017-2019: "Time reversal ultrasonic signal processing used in nondestructive evaluation of materials and structures", funded by the Czech Science Foundation (GACR). Chief investigator is Dr. Zdenek Prevorovsky, Institute of Thermomechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences. No. 17-22615S
2013-2016: "Integration of the SHM to system for ensurance of the continued airworthiness of a small transport aircraft", funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. Chief investigator is Honeywell International, Brno. The consortium of co-investigators includes Aircraft Industries, MESIT holding, and VZLU (aerospace research and test establishment), No. TA 03010140
2005-2007: "Development of adaptive multi-level methods for 3-dimensional optimal topology and shape design in electromagnetism", funded by the Czech Science Foundation (GACR), postdoc grant, No. 201/05/P008

Ph.D. or PostDoc researcher
2007-2013: "Computationally intensive simulations and optimization", Ministry of Education, MSM6198910027, principal investigator: Prof. Zdenek Dostal, VSB-TU Ostrava
2004-2008: "Information society", Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Science, No. AVCR 1ET400300415, principal investigator: Prof. Radim Blaheta, Institute of Geonics, Czech Academy of Sciences
1999-2004: "Development of algorithms for solution of complex industrial problems", Ministry of Education, CEZ J17/98:272401, principal investigator: Prof. Zdenek Dostal, VSB-TU Ostrava
2003-2004: Special Research Programme SFB F013 "Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing" in Linz, AT, in the project F1309 "Multilevel Solvers for Large Scale Discretized Optimization Problems", The Austrian Grant Agency FWF. Principal investigator: Prof. Ulrich Langer, University Linz.
2000-2001: Special Research Programme SFB F013 "Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing" in Linz, AT, in the project F1309 "Hierarchical Optimization Methods", The Austrian Grant Agency FWF. Principal investigator: Prof. Ulrich Langer, University Linz.