Korozeeneck GUI

News and Updates

  • August 24, 2023: Update related to the version 1.1.22:
    • Please note that this file is NOT digitally signed!. Your Windows (TM) OS thus may show a warning about dangerous software. It is save to ignore this warning and install the Korozeeneck.
  • June 24, 2021: Version 1.1.22 is available:
    1. Aging factor handling is updated.
    2. Indication of computing core (EXE vs Tcl).
    3. Tools to compute Dc from Resistivity (and vice versa) is available.
  • October 27, 2020: Version 1.1.20 is available:
    1. Uses new computing core (written in Tcl).
    2. Visualization of results is fixed.
    3. Data export for the Monte reliability software.
  • August 20, 2020: Version 1.1.8 is available:
    1. New installer for MS Windows (7 or better).
    2. Selector of pre-defined mixtures.


The Korozeeneck is software for computation of chloride ingress in reinforced concrete decks. It uses analytical formula based of Fick's second law.. More details about its background can be found for example in this paper.

The Korozeeneck GUI is an user-oriented front-end of the Korozeeneck written with use of the Tcl/Tk.

Korozeeneck GUI


  • Easy to use interface.
  • Result are represented by 2D plots.
  • Exampled data are supplied.
  • Database of experimental data.
  • Results can be saved as text file or copied to clipboard.
  • Can work on any common desktop OS (Linux/Windows/macOS), Windows version is supplied by default.


Source code is provided by request.

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