Curriculum vitae
Teaching (czech)

Fair incomplete tournaments

A short paper on 1VMV labelings of graphs on even number of vertices by Tereza, Dalibor and me.


A fair incomplete tournament of n teams with k rounds is a tournament in which every team plays exactly k other teams and the total strength of the opponents that a team misses during a tournament is the same for all teams. In this note we completely characterize such tournaments when the number of teams is even.


Published in Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications.
D. Fronček, P. Kovář, and T. Kovářová, Fair incomplete tournaments, Bulletin of the ICA, 48, (2006), 31-33.

Note: Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications. The Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications, Winnipeg. (ISSN 1183-1278) English. English summary. Frequency of publ.: 3 vols. a year.

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